Founding, managing and growing a business is a rewarding challenge for brave and dedicated entrepreneurs. Busy Bee Venture’s network of investors, institutions, media and entrepreneurs has extensive experience in successfully growing world leading business.
Busy Bee Venture is a leading independent, Stockholm based strategic advisory firm mainly focusing on new market entries, managing launch and growth, fund raising, executive recruitment, design and sales for international tech and mobile companies. Busy Bee Venture offers a combination of business intelligence, strategic advice, operational support and personal access to relevant decision makers.
We partner with innovative, passionate, best-in-class, early stage startups and with a collaborative approach support entrepreneurs operationally and strategically to grow globally.
Our Philosophy is to be hands on, take data driven decisions, obsess about design and UX, aim for world domination and always look for win-win.
Investment + Advisory4Equity
“You can’t do Epic shit with Basic people”
Check out startup blog iAubergine